OVERCOMING FEAR – Answering the Call to Action

You are living through a global pandemic. Your fears have triggered an increase in brain arousal preparing your body to respond to the threat. Your system is adapting and attempting to restore balance, a process that is much easier once the threat is over. A continuing threat, like a global pandemic with severe economic andContinue reading “OVERCOMING FEAR – Answering the Call to Action”

Moving at the Speed of Light

I chose this topic for April, early last fall as I felt through the energy of 2020. It couldn’t be more timely as we are peaking with the coronavirus outbreak here in Massachusetts where the ReBalancing Clinic operates. Humanity has rallied and is moving at a faster pace than ever before towards the common goalContinue reading “Moving at the Speed of Light”

Is this Pandemic Tiring You Out?

(Learn why- from a quantum perspective) It is the same reason you are feeling waves of emotion… fear, anxiety, confusion, grief…  These are truly “unprecedented” times. And we are ALL in it together, whether we want to be or not. ALL human beings are subject to impact from this global pandemic because humanity itself will beContinue reading “Is this Pandemic Tiring You Out?”

Expressing One’s Truth – Subjective vs. Objective Reality

Human beings are expressing on a regular basis but are they expressing their truth? One must know their truth first which requires some introspection and then one must choose to express that authentically rather than revealing a masked version. When contemplating one’s truth and the bigger topic of truth itself we get into a myriadContinue reading “Expressing One’s Truth – Subjective vs. Objective Reality”

The Essence of Unconditional Love: LOVE 101

WHAT is Unconditional LOVE? Unconditional love is simply the essence of love itself without attaching particular conditions that distort or limit the flow of love. So what is Love? From an energy perspective, love is a force, it is a connective force holding each of us, our relationships, our families, communities and humanity as aContinue reading “The Essence of Unconditional Love: LOVE 101”