Receiving ‘The Light Of Love’

I Receive ‘The Light Of Love’ (3×4=12)

As an Individual living being (I);

I Infuse Love within My Body 

I Inspire Love within My Heart 

I Awaken Love within My Mind 

I Enlighten Love within My Spirit 

As a member of the Group of humanity (We);

We Infuse Love within the Body of Humanity

We Inspire Love within the Heart of Humanity

We Awaken Love within the Mind of Humanity

We Enlighten Love within the Spirit of Humanity

As a part of the greater Oneness (All);

All Infuse Love within the Body of the greater Oneness

All Inspire Love within the Heart of the greater Oneness

All Awaken Love within the Mind of the greater Oneness

All Enlighten Love within the Spirit of the greater Oneness

“I Receive ‘The Light Of Love’” may be; read as a poem, utilized as an affirmation/mantra, studied as a dynamic teaching or energetically utilized to invoke greater Universal Balance. The equation in the title is referencing the energetic cross product that the ‘poem’ is activating. It is employing the sacred trinity (Individual, Group, Oneness) and the quadratic systems (Body, Heart, Mind, Spirit) of your individual receptivity. Working with a cross product of these 3 primary energy fields and these 4 receptive systems you are able to activate ‘The Light Of Love’ holistically within your life. 


  • The illumination of connection. 
  • The most consuming of attractions.
  • The igniting bond of creative forces.
  • Universal truth and purity within life. 
  • The highest vibration and dimension. 
  • Absolute knowing and acceptance of what is.

As an individual, you receive ‘The Light Of Love’  through your Body, Heart, Mind and Spirit Systems. As you receive this conscious energy, you evolve and expand. Your Systems transform the conscious energy, molding it into functional form. Each of the human systems is a unified whole that is defined by its Boundaries, Structure, Purpose and Function. 

I will introduce each of these aspects as they apply to each of the human Systems. For Boundaries I will give you a marker to work with expanding your limits. Structurally the human systems have a numerical base of ten. I provide this information as a reference for you to begin exploring the different energetic parts constituting the whole System. For Purpose I will touch upon the type of energy being processed by the system. Finally, for Function I will talk about the reception of ‘The Light Of Love’ through that particular system. 


I Infuse Love within My Body 

We Infuse Love within the Body of humanity

All Infuse Love within the Body of the greater Oneness

BOUNDARIES: The boundaries of your Body Systems are found in the limits of your physical stamina. Pay attention to where your body’s limits are. Accept and honor your limits while you continue to evolve and expand. You are able to do both of these because life exists within a dynamic environment of constant change.

STRUCTURE: The energetic structure of your Body Systems includes 10 parts although your Body operates as a singularity. You are a single human being with all of your parts functioning as a unified whole. 

PURPOSE: The purpose of your Body Systems is to receive and process the energy from the Physical level, the tangible world. Some examples of the densest universal elements that your Body processes are the water you drink, the air you breath, the food you eat and the touch you feel. Your Body enables you to experience and learn about the dense levels. Ultimately for you to merge the higher vibrations with the tangible world, enlightening it.  

FUNCTION: To Receive ‘The Light Of Love’. The reception of ‘The Light Of Love’ through your Body Systems enables you to create within the tangible world. Having children and passing on your genetic makeup is the ultimate creation in life that is enabled by having a Body. Procreation forms the sacred bond of parent and child. Another ‘Light Of Love’ experience you can have in a Body is the Sacred Union of two bodies merging together in love. 


I Inspire Love within My Heart 

We Inspire Love within the Heart of humanity

All Inspire Love within the Heart of the greater Oneness

BOUNDARIES: The boundaries of your Heart Systems are found in the limits of your emotional intelligence. Pay attention to where your Heart’s limits are. How perceptive are you of your own or others emotions? Can you reason using emotional intelligence? Do you understand the wisdom of the emotions? How well do you manage your own emotions or the emotions of others? Accept and honor the limits of your Heart while you continue to evolve and expand. 

STRUCTURE: The energetic structure of your Heart Systems includes 20 parts existing within a unified whole. Your Heart functions as a duality in the outer world providing you with the opportunity to partner in emotional communion. Partnering, Heart to Heart, creates a quadratic dynamic which engages the creative process when you are able to unify with another. 

PURPOSE: The purpose of your Heart Systems is to receive and process Emotional energy; your own emotions as well as other human’s emotions, especially those closest to you. Your heart is responsible for the depth of your meaningful connections with others as well as your capacity for empathy and emotional intimacy in those relationships. 

FUNCTION: To Receive ‘The Light Of Love’. The reception of ‘The Light Of Love’ through your Heart Systems allows you to commune with others in a meaningful way and to co-create with them. It opens an expansive range and equips you for mature, steady movement throughout. 


I Awaken Love within My Mind 

We Awaken Love within the Mind of humanity

All Awaken Love within the Mind of the greater Oneness

BOUNDARIES: The boundaries of your Mind Systems are found in the limits of your mental intelligence. Pay attention to where your Mind’s limits are. I find the greatest self imposed limitation in this area as people tend to underestimate their limits. I encourage you to always challenge yours. Some people will overestimate their mental limits with arrogance built on a foundation of ignorance but this is far less common. Accept and honor your limits, keep it real while you continue to evolve and expand. 

STRUCTURE: The energetic structure of your Mind Systems includes 40 parts within a unified whole. Your Mind functions quadratically. The creation of life is also quadratic in nature. This allows your mind to encompass the framework of your life and to understand the process of creation. Each person creates their own concept of reality which influences the creation of their actual reality. 

PURPOSE: The purpose of your Mind Systems is to receive and process Thought energy; your own thoughts as well as other human’s thoughts to a variable degree. The resonance of your belief structures and mental conditioning determine the parameters of what you attract and the framework of how you engage life.

FUNCTION: To Receive ‘The Light Of Love’. The reception of ‘The Light Of Love’ through your Mind Systems awakens consciousness and provides you with a clear view. It equips you with the capabilities to merge knowledge learned from outer training/experiences with inner intuitive ‘knowings’. This awakens a more holistic perspective and it enables you to utilize your free will to consciously create your life.


I Enlighten Love within My Spirit

We Enlighten Love within the Spirit of humanity

All Enlighten Love within the Spirit of the greater Oneness

BOUNDARIES: The boundaries of your Spirit Systems are found in your energetic purity. Pay attention to where your Spirit’s limits are. True Spirit limits are of a vibrational and dimensional nature. How high can you go and still maintain your holistic energetic integrity? Accepting limits is always important, although I have yet to meet another person who has challenged the limits of their Spirit. Thus, I encourage you to evolve and expand through the process of achieving greater universal balance and purer authenticity in your life. 

STRUCTURE: The energetic structure of your Spirit Systems includes 20 parts in a unified whole. Your Spirit functions as a duality within the inner realms similarly to how your Heart functions in the outer realms. 

PURPOSE: The purpose of your Spirit Systems is to receive and process the purely Energetic stream that includes all vibrational frequencies higher than the capacity of your Body, Heart or Mind Systems to process. It connects you to the Source energies that are fueling your life force and generating your life. It provides the mechanisms to process life itself.  

FUNCTION: To Receive ‘The Light Of Love’. The reception of ‘The Light Of Love’ through your Spirit Systems describes the energetic process of enlightenment. Your Spirit enables you to enlighten the divinity within yourself and within every area of your life. 

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